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International Collective Capoeira Competition - Solta o Jogo


4th of November 2023


On 4th & 5th of November 2023, QMC School of Capoeira, under the Leadership of Mestrando Marcus Cabeca & students, created, organized and delivered the 1st ever Collective Capoeira Competition, in an International Level.

The event was sponsored by Kingston Council & Kingston University and supported by Brasileiro Grocery Shop Kingston; Kingston Love Foundation & Brilliant Nannies.

It was an Amazing success with over 25 teams from Kids & Adults categories of different levels taking part from all over the UK and teams from: Holland; France; Belgium & Italy.

The Capoeira Community in London & UK has a massive contribution in the development of the rules, structure and delivering of the event with renowned Masters getting involved.

Our Immense thank you to all involved and soon the dates for the 2024 edition!

You can see the live broadcasted video of the competition in our YOUTUBE CHANNEL - QMC CAPOEIRA


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